The Origin of Madness short story..

The fight with Scarlet Briar continues. with her latest creation, a Towering Mechanical Monstrosity (Twisted Marionnete), huge watchknight (a mockery of Queen Jennah's watchknight). chain and control by a huge ship above the Twisted Marionnete). 

the event location are in  False River Valley, Lornar Pass, that brought all hero's to Tyria Lornar Pass. During the fight (event), players have to defend 5 lanes, players will encounter lots of Scarlet's minions, that come through from a portal on each lane. technically, the twisted Marrionete is a weapon. while Scarlet conducting the test, lots of twisted minion will came through the portal, to power up the Marrionete's aethercannon. players must stop them from powering it up. 

During this event, Rox Whetstone, Braham Eirsson, Taimi, Marjory Delaqua & lady Kasmeer Meade are there to assist. players can found, Taini ( Taini is a new character, that came with this living story patch) at lane 1, Marjory Delaqua lane 2, Braham lane 3, Rox lane 4 and Lady Kasmeer lane 5. 

After the event, player will meet them again in Molokk's Spit, Lion Arch.

before this event (origin of madness patch), Scarlet's had put some kind of a Mysterious  Energy Probe (large Tower) that can be found all around Tyria. this Mysterious Energy Probe effect has Woken up an oversize 3 headed Jungle Wurm, in Bloodtide Coast. and this bring a second threat to Tyria.

A brief information about Scarlet Briar. (this information was given by Scholar Ela Makkay). she say that, the biggest news was, they had identified Scarlet Briar Lair, and it was under the Durmand Priory in Lornar Pass this whole time. as the finest scholar yet to know Scarlet Briar full story, but the following information was approve by the scholar, that, in Scarlet Briar early years, She showed an insatiable desire for knowledge. Scarlet Briar traveled from mentor to mentor, soaking up what knowledge she could from each. but, unfortunately, she went astray when she lost her moral compass. Scarlet Briar dabble in knowledge that would have damage the minds of even the most stalwart researchers. she looked beyond world by combining magic and engineering. she saw in the those greater working broke her mind. Scarlet Briar murdered her mentor and began her assault on Tyria. first she explored an alliance between Flame Legion charr and dredge. with the alliance, it provided Scarlet and her allies with weaponry that they'd never have developed before on their own. they combine Flame magic with the earth element skills of the dredge (fire and Earth)Scarlet Briar prepared a well-balance army and use all the elements. after that, she enticed airship pirates to join with inquest. the pirates on progress airship design was not viable until the inquest magic was added to the mix (Air)Scarlet Briar also took the queen's watchwork sentinels and created horrors of them, warping them to her own purposes. Scarlet Briar pattern was to steals the knowledge of others, then twist it. Scarlet Briar latest victory was convincing kraits to work with Nightmare courties. the scholar confirm that, Scarlet Briar held one of their sacred icon over their heads to get them to do so (water). with this, the result was a plant so toxic that it has all but destroy beautiful Kessex Hills and Scarlet Briar had the toxin from it. but the scholar was not able to know how will Scarlet Briar inteted to do with the toxin that she got.  Scarlet Briar guard her motive closely, so that people would not predict her next move. but some believe it's a lark. few suggest that her ultimate target is the dragons, or more to say Scarlet Briar was working for the dragons. but still some other believe that Scarlet Briar has a maniacal desire to rule the world. 

as players enter Scarlet Briar Lair, Player will be able to get a hold of Scarlet Briar's Journal. inside her Journal it was written:- 
I wake from nightmare-screaming, confused, and scared. it's getting worse. i've decided to talk to a mender. i've probably just been working too hard. every night, the same terrors. it never changes. the mender was unable to help me, and i feel like i'm losing control of myself. when the nigtmare starts, an entity calls to me. i run-eun into a sea of darkness. but no matter how hard i try to escape, it keeps calling me. i'm trying to slees -  too scared to even close my scared. Whispers come from the forest all night long, calling me, taunting me, possessing me. Tonight, i saw it. I stared into the abyss, and it started back at me. So much power. i don't know what's real and what isn't anymore. Control of my world, of myself, is slipping through my hands. And yet, i'm no longer scared. It communicated with me through images of death, destruction, and destiny. I must know more. I must confront it and put an end to this madness.
Inside Scarlet Briar Lair

The Origin of Madness stars the final arc for the first Living World chapter. patch release on January 21, 2014.

A Study in Scarlet

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